HealthJoy Connected Navigation Platform
Connected Navigation Platform
Guiding to high-value care

Mental Health
Behavioral Health
Foster a mentally healthy workplace

Employee Assistance Program
Supporting holistic wellbeing

    Virtual MSK Care Icon
    Virtual MSK Care
    Reimagining musculoskeletal care

    Virtual Primary Care
    Virtual Primary Care
    Powered by smart navigation

    SurgeryPlus COE Icon
    Surgery Centers of Excellence
    Best-in-class surgical outcomes

      Virtual Urgent Care
      Virtual Urgent Care
      Immediate care, any hour of the day

      Chronic Care
      Chronic Care
      A new approach to chronic care

      HealthJoy Integrations
      Flexible to any strategy

        HealthJoy Blog

        Get the latest news in benefits, health tech, HR & culture, and HealthJoy happenings on our blog. Check out our blog for regular updates.

        Posts about

        Healthcare Costs

        How to Amplify Your Benefits Cost Containment Strategy

        With healthcare costs expected to increase by 5.8% in 2025 even after accounting for cost-reduction measures, employers are seeking solutions to...

        Why Healthcare Navigation is Key in Increasing the Adoption of Virtual Benefits

        Let’s address the real problem. The US healthcare system is confusing, overwhelming, fragmented and frustrating. 

        Pain Relief Reimagined: The Benefits of a Connected Approach

        With healthcare and employee benefits, it can feel like new challenges are emerging every day. However, year after year employers continue to...

        Why is benefits engagement crucial for healthcare cost containment?

        If you are responsible for managing employee benefits – phrases like “healthcare costs are skyrocketing” are the soundtrack narrating your work day. 

        Experts Discuss: The Rapid Rise of Weight-Loss Drugs

        We recently hosted our first-ever expert panel to go in-depth on the meteoric rise in popularity of GLP-1 agonist medications being used as...

        How HealthJoy Drives 50% Higher Telemedicine Utilization Than Industry Benchmark

        Benefit programs are becoming broader

        With health insurance costs continuing to rise—and the largest increase in health insurance costs in a decade...

        Curb the Loss Leaders of Your Clients' Health Plans

        In the current economic environment, it seems like the cost of everything is going up. Inflation is high, cost of living has increased and...

        2024 Member Health Goals

        The second annual Member Health Goals report harnesses the power of data to help discover the differences between the type of benefits employees...

        The Benefits of a Connected Healthcare Navigation Platform

        The Problem

        The US healthcare system is confusing, overwhelming, fragmented, and frustrating. For employees, the consequences of this unapproachable...

        A New Approach to Chronic Care

        By 2030, an estimated 83 million people in the US will have three or more chronic conditions — compared to 31 million in 2015. That means nearly a...

        Virtual MSK Therapy: Life-Changing and Cost-Saving

        Suffering from a musculoskeletal (MSK) condition can make it feel like you’re on the sidelines in your own life. This pain can take you away from the...

        Where to Start Looking for Prescription Savings

        Prescription medications are expensive, and Americans take a lot of them.

        To Tackle Employee Healthcare Expenses, Help Them Become Better Consumers

        For years, we’ve said that “healthcare spending is skyrocketing” or “the cost of care is climbing.” Employers will pay an average of over $16,000 —...

        How Our Benefits Wallet Engages Employees

        Building a genuinely satisfying employee benefits package is at the top of every HR professional’s mind, but getting there is harder than ever...