HealthJoy Connected Navigation Platform
Connected Navigation Platform
Guiding to high-value care

Mental Health
Behavioral Health
Foster a mentally healthy workplace

Employee Assistance Program
Supporting holistic wellbeing

    Virtual MSK Care Icon
    Virtual MSK Care
    Reimagining musculoskeletal care

    Virtual Primary Care
    Virtual Primary Care
    Powered by smart navigation

    SurgeryPlus COE Icon
    Surgery Centers of Excellence
    Best-in-class surgical outcomes

      Virtual Urgent Care
      Virtual Urgent Care
      Immediate care, any hour of the day

      Chronic Care
      Chronic Care
      A new approach to chronic care

      HealthJoy Integrations
      Flexible to any strategy

        HealthJoy Blog

        Get the latest news in benefits, health tech, HR & culture, and HealthJoy happenings on our blog. Check out our blog for regular updates.

        Posts about

        Employee Healthcare (6)

        Healthcare Guidance: Employers Best Hope to Tackle Rising Costs

        Companies are losing the battle against rising healthcare costs without healthcare guidance. Costs are continuing their steady climb with annual...

        When it Pays to get a Second Opinion: Bill Reviews with HealthJoy

        Medical billing errors are still vastly misunderstood, and reliable statistics on the issue don’t exactly agree: The American Medical...

        Why Drug Costs Are Rising, and What to Do About It

        Drug costs are out of control, and one culprit has recently been placed in the hot seat: prescription drugs. Yearly price hikes for prescription...

        How Employees Can Lower Healthcare Costs

        Imagine getting a credit card from your company and never seeing the bill. Now further imagine that your company allows you to use this credit...

        PEOs: Is Outsourcing Human Resources the Answer?

        Human resource administration can act as a significant drag on small to midsize companies, often affecting their bottom line. Professional...

        Stop-Loss Insurance As A Risk Reduction Strategy

        In response to relentless benefit premium hikes, employers have increasingly been turning to self-funded health plans. According to the Kaiser...

        The Value of Getting a Second Opinion

        Many patients consider getting a second opinion from another doctor a little taboo. They feel that they are breaking some sort of social norm by...

        How a “Millennial” Benefits Advisor Sees the Employer Healthcare Space

        Benefits specialist Matt White has embraced his role as a “Millennial” benefits advisor. After hearing countless CFO’s repeat the defeatist mantra of...

        Piecemealing a Healthcare Cost Containment Solution

        No suite of cost containment tools enables benefits consultants to save more money for their clients than an all-in-one, benefits experience...

        Patient Advocate Success Story: Rx Savings

        Every day we talk to hundreds of members about a wide variety of issues. One of the issues we constantly help with is medication. Prescription...

        Healthcare App Adoption & Blue Collar Workforce

        When you think of an employee using a smartphone, the first image that comes to mind is probably a white-collar worker dressed in a suit. If you...

        Coalitions: The Secret to Reducing Employee Benefits Cost?

        This post provides an introduction to funding in a coalition, also known as captive-funding, and discusses best practices from leaders in the...

        Why Baby Boomers are Flocking to Healthcare Apps

        Baby Boomer (ages 51-69) adoption of smartphones continues to accelerate despite the generation being typically slower to adopt technology.

        How to Buy Health Insurance for a Small Business

        Last year my good friend was starting a new business. He loved his idea and couldn’t wait to start growing, selling and expanding. But he also...

        The Rise of Out-of-Pocket Medical Expenses

        Over the last decade, medical expenses have skyrocketed. To keep up with expenses and maintain affordable premiums, health insurance carriers...