HealthJoy Connected Navigation Platform
Connected Navigation Platform
Guiding to high-value care

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Behavioral Health
Foster a mentally healthy workplace

Employee Assistance Program
Supporting holistic wellbeing

    Virtual MSK Care Icon
    Virtual MSK Care
    Reimagining musculoskeletal care

    Virtual Primary Care
    Virtual Primary Care
    Powered by smart navigation

    SurgeryPlus COE Icon
    Surgery Centers of Excellence
    Best-in-class surgical outcomes

      Virtual Urgent Care
      Virtual Urgent Care
      Immediate care, any hour of the day

      Chronic Care
      Chronic Care
      A new approach to chronic care

      HealthJoy Integrations
      Flexible to any strategy

        2 min read

        Top 100 Influencers in Healthcare

        Top 100 Influencers in Healthcare

        Here’s our list of the top 100 influencers in healthcare on Twitter. These influencers are chosen and ranked based on social media presence and reach, using the number of shares of their posts to determine popularity. Hundreds of thousands of people are already listening to and following the influencers on this list, and if you want to stay informed on the world of healthcare, you should follow them too.

        You can also follow some of our internal staff that are active on Twitter as well:

        1. Justin Holland – @JH_HealthJoy
        2. Doug Morse-Schindler – @DMS_HealthJoy
        3. Rick Ramos – @RicktRamos

        Top 100 Healthcare Influencers:

          Name Twitter
        1 Brian Ahier ahier
        2 Dr. Val Jones drval
        3 Gienna Shaw Gienna
        4 fredtrotter fredtrotter
        5 Dan Dunlop dandunlop
        6 Tom Sullivan SullyHIT
        7 John Moore john_chilmark
        8 Keith W. Boone motorcycle_guy
        9 Michael Planchart theehrguy
        10 Kathy Mackey mkmackey
        11 Steve Sisko ShimCode
        12 Dominic Tyer Dominic_Tyer
        13 Bob Wachter Bob_Wachter
        14 Linda Stotsky EMRAnswers
        15 Diana Manos Diana_Manos
        16 Jonathan Bush Jonathan_Bush
        17 Reed Smith reedsmith
        18 Andis Robeznieks MHARobeznieks
        19 SusanCarr SusanCarr
        20 Ed Bennett EdBennett
        21 Joseph Conn MHJConn
        22 Daniel Z. Sands, MD DrDannySands
        23 Andre Blackman mindofandre
        24 Mark Graban MarkGraban
        25 Greg Matthews chimoose
        26 Dr. Rob Lamberts doc_rob
        27 Daphne Swancutt DaphneLeigh
        28 Robert West PhD westr
        29 Will Weider CandidCIO
        30 Bryce Williams brycewatch
        31 AnneMarie Cunningham amcunningham
        32 Jaimy Lee jaimy_lee
        33 Mike Miliard MikeMiliardHITN
        34 Chris Seper chrisseper
        35 Anthony Guerra healthsystemCIO
        36 Daniel Ghinn engagementstrat
        37 Andrew Lopez, RN nursefriendly
        38 Chad Terhune chadterhune
        39 Matthew Holt boltyboy
        40 Neelesh Bhandari MD edrneelesh
        41 Chris Hogg cwhogg
        42 David R. Burda davidrburda
        43 Mandi Bishop MandiBPro
        44 Jon Healey jcahealey
        45 Matthew Browning MatthewBrowning
        46 Gary Monk GaryMonk
        47 Merrill Goozner MHGoozner
        48 Lisa Suennen VentureValkyrie
        49 Jeff Benabio, MD Dermdoc
        50 Jon Mertz jonmertz
        51 Dr. Kevin Campbell DrKevinCampbell
        52 Paulo Machado pjmachado
        53 Mark Hyman, M.D. markhymanmd
        54 LeAnna J. Carey thehealthmaven
        55 Noam Levey NoamLevey
        56 Martha Bebinger mbebinger
        57 Veronica De La Cruz VeronicaDLCruz
        58 Ron Cornell RonaldCornell
        59 Nat Bourre NatBourre
        60 David Harlow healthblawg
        61 Rich Duszak, MD RichDuszak
        62 Stewart Gandolf StewartGandolf
        63 Anthony Guerra hsCIO
        64 Erin McCann EMcCannHITN
        65 George Huba DrHubaEvaluator
        66 LindaGirgis,MD DrLindaMD
        67 HIT Blogger HITBlogger
        68 Dennis Urbaniak DUrbaniak
        69 Ben Miller miller7
        70 Ed Butler ej_butler
        71 Diana Keough dikeough
        72 Jason Berek-Lewis jasonbereklewis
        73 Denise Amrich, RN DeniseAmrich
        74 David Sarno dsarno
        75 Craig DeLarge cadelarge
        76 Patricia Redsicker predsicker
        77 Len Starnes lenstarnes
        78 Shawn Riley rilescat
        79 Jeffrey Young JeffYoung
        80 Kevin Pho, M.D. kevinmd
        81 Jenn Riggle riggrl
        82 Carla K. Johnson CarlaKJohnson
        83 Gregg Masters 2healthguru
        84 Leigh Fazzina LeighFazzina
        85 Bruce Japsen brucejapsen
        86 Neil Versel nversel
        87 Barrett J. Brunsman BarrettCinciBiz
        88 David E. Williams HealthBizBlog
        89 Meredith Hurston MHA meredithhurston
        90 Veronica M. Combs vmcombs
        91 Jane Sarasohn-Kahn healthythinker
        92 Scott Hensley scotthensley
        93 Pia Christensen AHCJ_Pia
        94 Martine Ehrenclou Med_writer
        95 Jordan Rau jordanrau
        96 Lee Aase LeeAase
        97 Mark Dimor MarksPhone
        98 BarbaraFicarra BarbaraFicarra
        99 Robert J. Szczerba RJSzczerba
        100 Frank Kumli frankkumli

        *Ranking was determined by using BuzzSumo with some minor

        editing by our team to remove corporations.

        Built In Chicago Honors HealthJoy with 3 “Best Places to Work” Awards

        Built In Chicago Honors HealthJoy with 3 “Best Places to Work” Awards

        I love kicking off a new year with great news. I’m proud to announce that HealthJoy was honored with Built In’s 2021 Best Places To Work in Chicago...

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        Introducing The New HealthJoy 2.0

        Introducing The New HealthJoy 2.0

        Today I’m thrilled to debut the completely updated HealthJoy 2.0. We’ve been working on the all-new version of HealthJoy for the last two years. It...

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        Introducing HealthJoy’s Virtual MSK Care

        Introducing HealthJoy’s Virtual MSK Care

        Chronic pain can be a pain. For an estimated 126.6 million Americans suffering from a musculoskeletal (MSK) condition, finding a better way to...

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