Why It’s Critical To Have Medical Bills Reviewed
It may feel like second nature to review your cell phone, credit card, and internet bill for mistakes. Reviewing your medical bill, however,...
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Over the last decade, medical expenses have skyrocketed. To keep up with expenses and maintain affordable premiums, health insurance carriers have been forced to create coverage options where the consumer can choose to take on additional risk in the form of higher deductibles, copays, and maximum out-of-pocket expenses.
Out-of-pocket expenses are those expenses that the insurance plan doesn’t cover. Depending on the type of insurance plan you purchase, you probably have a deductible and a coinsurance level of payment. When you have a medical claim, the deductible is applied first. This is an out-of-pocket expense payable by you. After the deductible, the insurance company and the insured share a percentage of a certain amount of the claim—called coinsurance—before the insurance company pays the rest of the claim.
Under the Affordable Care Act, which was passed into law in 2010, health plans must now all fall into a four-tier system: platinum, gold, silver, and bronze. The higher the tier, the richer the benefits and the higher the premiums paid for these benefits. Two important factors when choosing a health insurance plan are the monthly premium and the out-of-pocket maximum.
Looking for a catastrophic plan to cover major medical expenses and keep premiums at an affordable level, many take their chances by enrolling in a basic bronze plan, which offers the cheapest premium but has the highest out-of-pocket expense for the insured. If they remain healthy, this plan will save them money. Unfortunately, when a health issue arises, so does the threat of mounting medical bills. Depending on the health issue, the amount owed by the insured can reach into the thousands of dollars. For those on a fixed income and not prepared to meet the financial responsibility, the outcome can be devastating.
With the possibility of this medical debt looming in the distance, some may choose to forgo necessary medical treatment and medications because they can’t afford to pay for them. Still others that cannot go without treatment are being forced to make decisions on how they will pay for the medical treatment they need while still meeting the rest of their monthly living expenses.
If serious injury or illness does strike, and you find yourself facing a mountain of medical bills, don’t panic. Yes, you are responsible for the charges, and you will eventually need to pay them. But there are a few things you can and should do first to make sure that you are only paying what is necessary.
Facing financial challenges brought on by excessive medical expenses can be frightening. It’s important to keep a level head and search for options, solutions, and help if needed. The only thing you cannot do is nothing. Ignoring the bills will only make the situation worse. Make a plan and focus on working to pay down the debt as you are able.
It may feel like second nature to review your cell phone, credit card, and internet bill for mistakes. Reviewing your medical bill, however,...
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